Losing It For Love

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All of us long for true love. Unfortunately, however, some of us despair of ever finding it. Often it’s because we live with a gripping sense of defeat brought on by some unwanted feature. Usually our nemesis is our weight, although sometimes it’s a particular part of our body, like a nose or a chin that is undeniably out of proportion to the rest of our face.

There are more than enough thoughtless or shallow people in the world who may insist upon defining us by our single most troubling physical feature. We’re fat, we’re ugly, we’re not sexy. Read More


From Amazon: People are always telling women to just accept themselves the way they are, yet we live in a world where being tall, thin and beautiful is just expected of us! Thank god for these stories. They actually tell the truth about what goes through women’s minds about their appearance and what we wish we could be! Bravo! Read More


I’m Large and In Charge, So Where’s My Lover Boy?

For as long as I can remember, I’d always been the short, heavy girl
with zero confidence who was the butt of everyone’s jokes. To this very
day, I can still hear the taunts and teases, and feel my face flush with
anger and bitterness from all the misery they caused. Read More

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