Spring Break Behavior We Should Incorporate In Everyday Life


By Regina Gosney

Spring Break is that time of the year no one is exempt to looking forward to. Even if you’re a full-time employee and aren’t given a week off to take shots and work on your tan, it’s still a magical time of the year that we can all appreciate. Perhaps there’s hot college guys that come to vacation in your town, your friends from out of town come to visit, or maybe you look forward to the new happy hour specials and bikini sales. There’s so much to love about Spring Break, we’ve asked ourselves, why shouldn’t Spring Break last forever? To promote the “Spring Break forever” ideology, we’ve come up with a list of Spring Break Behavior we should incorporate in everyday life.

Don’t roll your eyes at this one, hear me out. I understand how many annoying frat boys you’ve seen with a neon YOLO tank on out on the beach, but it’s actually a great mantra when applied to life correctly. No, it doesn’t mean take 10 shots and do the keg stand, because YOLO; it’s about doing the things you’ve always wanted to, but have put off for whatever reason. Ask the hot guy out at the bar, travel to Belize, take a scuba dive tour, because YOLO. That’s what it’s about.

Being Health Conscious
The month before Spring Break is kind of like the month after New Year’s–the population at the gym triples. Suddenly, everyone is hitting the gym trying to make something happen that probably won’t in that short amount of time. Instead of all this nonsense, we should have a consistent workout routine in our everyday life.


Having A Carefree Attitude
When we’re on Spring Break, there are minimal concerns. Perhaps the only time we spend worrying is if we’re getting tan lines or what margarita we’re going to order at the Cantina. Why shouldn’t we worry less in everyday life?

Saying Yes To Social Outings
A lot of the Spring Break mentality is all about going out and being around people. Even the most introverted people seem to come out to play. Why wait for Spring Break to be social and go out to dinner with a group of friends?

Applying Sunscreen
How many older ladies have you met that tell you their one concern in life was not wearing enough sunscreen? When we’re out on the beach, it’s obvious, but everyday activities like going to the farmer’s market or taking a morning jog should yield the same response.


Making Your Time Count
When you’re only given a week off, you’re going to make sure you take advantage of every second off you’re given. This mentality should translate as much as possible to our everyday lives. Just like Spring Break, our lives are only allotted so much time.

Staying Hydrated
Experts say you should be drinking half your body weight, in ounces of water each day (140 lbs = 70 oz of water). We’re reminded of this when we’re out in the sun or drinking alcohol, but we really ought to be more intentional with our water consumption in everyday life.


Awareness Of Your Surroundings
Going out to a new city requires a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings. You go out to the bar at night and are required to know your way back to your hotel, know which floor to take the elevator to, and know which door your room key opens. How many times, in everyday life, do we go out, get a few drinks, and realize we have no idea what street we’re parked on, or even which direction is home?

Source: Never Liked It Anyway