I’m 22, He’s 64–And We’re Crazy In Love!

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Don’t judge us before you read this! It was six a.m., and my regular crowd was keeping me hopping. That was good news, I reflected. I’d owned the little coffee shop for almost three years, and it had served me well. My customers seemed to like the food and the style of my shop. We treated all of our customers …

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Make Him Fall For You In 10 Easy Steps

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Sometimes it can be difficult to find that perfect man you’ve always wanted to share your life with. If you’re in love with a man and you want him to have the same feelings, there are things you can do to increase his fascination for you. You should not change your personality just to make a guy you’re attracted to …

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2017 Reading Resolutions to Broaden the Mind

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It’s time to make resolutions for 2017 and for me that includes reading that might help me think more clearly about some of the contentious issues of 2016′s bitter presidential campaign. I’ll start with the touchy subject of race. If you haven’t read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me — a best seller, National Book Award winner, and Pulitzer finalist — put it …

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10 Sexy Minutes On My Pastor’s Hotline!

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I started speaking with the stranger on the phone, even when I knew I should transfer him directly to the minister. But I couldn’t help myself; there was something about his soothing, deep voice that called to me. It made me yearn to be a better person than I was. His voice encouraged me to take risks, made me yearn …

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Bright Lights Dim for Carrie and Debbie

As fans continue to mourn the losses and celebrate the lives of Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie Fisher, one thing is clear: The bond between mother and daughter was truly special. As both screen legends had acknowledged over the years, they had a complicated relationship at times. But, during a joint interview on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” in 2011, Reynolds and Fisher each expressed …

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Time Again to Celebrate ‘Bad Sex in Fiction’

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The year is ending on a grim note for many, whether it’s the tragedy in Aleppo, the Trump transition or the polar vortex. That’s why we need the Bad Sex in Fiction Award right now! Every year since 1993, the London-based Literary Review has honored an author who has produced an outstandingly bad sex scene description in an otherwise good …

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Relationship Advice From Your Favorite ’90s Throwback Songs

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Yes, it’s 2017 and yes, I’m still listening to ‘90s throwback songs. Don’t judge me, okay? The ‘90s were full of boy bands, huge hair and acid wash jeans—what’s not to love? I have a full playlist of all my old favorites that I listen to when I’m getting ready for work or cleaning or really just looking for any …

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9 Reasons We’re Glad Santa Isn’t Our Boyfriend

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No matter your religion, we’ve grown up with the presence of St. Nick in our lives pretty much since birth. There is no adult man we love more in December as a child than good ol’ Santa Claus. Even as we age, the original beardo is still quite endearing. (Um, hello, haven’t you ever seen The Year Without a Santa Claus?!) …

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My Husband’s Deathbed Wish Came True On Christmas

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My legs seemed to melt beneath me as I neared the booth to serve the friendly young couple. Sudden dizziness spun through my head but faded. I’d be okay once I got even busier. The rushing would stimulate me, as it usually did. That’s what another waitress, Patti, always said, too. I set down the warm plates heaped with the …

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A Promise No Two Lovers Should Ever Have To Keep


From December 2003 True Romance Magazine: A Christmas love story you’ll never forget I was a waitress at the Wayside Diner right after I dropped out of high school. Waiting tables wasn’t much of a career. It was just a job. But quitting school at the start of my senior year didn’t leave me with a lot of career options, …

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